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mproving Access and Quality of Education in Nigeria

Improving Access and Quality of Education in Nigeria

Government has a lot of policies that can transform public education in Nigeria but a lot of these policies are not implemented. Businesses can have a...

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Building Responsibility into Business: The What, Why and How

Businesses are increasingly implored to move  beyond profit making to  solving  various social, economic, and environmental challenges ...

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Sustainable Cities: An Imperative For Urban Nigeria

Sustainable cities are those that perform well in meeting and unburdening the immediate, everyday needs of their people without compromising the needs...

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The recently published Brooking Institute report on poverty highlighted that in Nigeria, 87million people live in extreme poverty. Putting this in per...

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From Global Goals to Local Action

Water is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment. However, water scarcity and misuse pose a serio...

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