Equipping Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs to power Africa’s Circular Economy

Equipping Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs to power Africa’s Circular Economy

About the Initiative

The Leadership Programme for Sustainable Waste Management (LP-SWM) is a transformative capacity-building initiative empowering Nigerian youths and fostering sustainable solutions to waste management challenges through enterprise. Supported by the Aspire Coronation Trust (ACT) Foundation and several ecosystem partners, LP-SWM is at the forefront of equipping Nigeria’s early career professionals and entrepreneurs with the business acumen, and leadership skills, necessary to address environmental concerns and drive positive change in their communities. We the participants to address Nigeria’s rising youth unemployment rate of 53.4% as at 2022,  environment, community and individual health outcomes in line with targets of SDG 3 – Good Health and Well, SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production.

Programme’s Objective

Through the programme, we provide technical advice, business skills, and an understanding of sustainability and circularity principles that can improve the
(1) financial viability,
(2) job creation for youths,
(3) transition into the formal circular economy and
(4) environmental conservation outcomes of businesses addressing waste management challenges.

Programme Partners include:

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Some Participating Organisations have included

Partner with Us

LP-SWM is open to collaborations and partnerships.

Contact us to learn more about how your organisation can be part of this impactful engagement.

Email us at sustainabilitycentre@lbs.edu.ng or Call/WhatsApp +2348166274211.