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Advancing Sustainability through Knowledge Sharing

News & Blog

“I know what it’s like to be in that situation. I was once homeless,” said Genevieve Davis, having seen news reports of Hurricane Harvey’s devastation. A hurricane evacuee herself ten years ago, Davis felt compelled to help victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma...


Sustainable development issues such as nutrition, climate change, food security, health and wellness affect everyone in society. The public and private sectors are often saddled with the responsibility of resolving these issues, but civil society and the media also have key roles to play. However, Civil Society Organisations need to be equipped to deliver on their objectives as pressure groups and support to the private sector and government efforts. Since the media has the responsibility of educating the public, it is important that they understand these issues and are equipped to communicate the same to various stakeholders and demographic groups. The support of industry experts and knowledge centres is vital in this regard.

The LBS Sustainability Centre and Nestlé Nigeria recently hosted a 4-Day Workshop for Journalists themed ‘Advancing Nutrition, Health and Wellness (NHW) through The Media.’ To read more about the training, click here

Learn more from our April 2019 edition of the Sustainable Business Newsletter